“He’s not a ghost! The Sailor Man is real… He doesn’t take kindly to visitors stopping on his doorstep…” Ay ay! Here we go again. Yet another public domain property being turned into a schlocky horror B-movie. Why?! The first promo trailer for a movie called Popeye the Slayer Man (ne Popeye the Sailor Man) has debuted online thanks to our pals at Bloody-Disgusting. A curious group of friends sneak into an abandoned spinach canning factory to film a documentary on the legend of the “Sailor Man,” who is said to haunt the factory and local docks. And he’s not happy to have any visitors. So it’s pretty much the same concept as the Mickey and other public domain character horrors. Popeye the Slayer Man stars Sean Michael Conway, Elena Juliano, Mabel Thomas, Marie-Louise Boisnier, Jeff Thomas, and Steven McCormack. And Jason Robert Stephens plays the titular role of the murderous Popeye. This looks dumb and bloody and gory and ridiculous – which is exactly what they were aiming for with this one. Anyone want to watch? // Continue Reading ›
Oy! Wacky Trailer for ‘Popeye the Slayer Man’ Gory New Horror Movie