“Milly is two years old and needs some serious TLC…” Factory 25 has unveiled the official trailer for an amusing indie creation called The Heirloom, from filmmakers Grace Glowicki & Ben Petrie. It’s expected to open in art house theaters early 2025. The Canadian indie film first premiered at the 2024 Rotterdam Film Festival, with stops at the Munich and Stockholm Film Festivals as well. Based in part on director Ben Petrie’s own real-life relationship with actress Grace Glowicki, the film stars Petrie & Glowicki as Eric & Allie, a couple who decide to adopt a rescue dog during lockdown. Despite the challenges of adapting to the dog, Eric, a filmmaker who has been suffering from writer’s block, then becomes inspired to start writing a new screenplay about a couple adopting a dog. The cast also includes Matt Johnson as a veterinarian, and Leah Doz as his veterinary technician. This looks like it fits right in with Matt Jonhson’s other relationship indie Matt and Mara. Reviews describe it as “Kaufmanesque” and “very funny”… And it has a very cute dog. // Continue Reading ›
RomCom Psychodrama Film ‘The Heirloom’ Trailer with a Rescue Dog