“Bone-chilling…” Screambox is releasing this chilling new horror film made in Argentina called Deus Irae, marking the feature directorial debut of genre filmmaker Pedro Cristiani. This originally premiered in 2023 at the Mar del Plata Film Festival in Argentina, and has played at other horror festivals during 2024. Now set for a streaming debut this month if you want to dive into it. Javier stares at a crucifix and his expressions and hands suggest that his nerves are consuming him. A flashback reveals that a priest devotes his life to visiting families and cleansing their homes from the demons that try to possess them. Jorge Prado stars as Father Javier in this violent, gory exorcism tale. “When the only way to crush Evil is by becoming something even worse, he questions how much of his own humanity — or sanity — he’s willing to sacrifice in order to defeat the Devil.” Looks like a properly messed up body horror / supernatural thriller made for horror fans. // Continue Reading ›
Official Trailer for ‘Deus Irae’ Gory Exorcism Horror Made in Argentina