“This is a true story. About identity.” Gravitas has revealed the official trailer for a documentary film called Brother Orange directed by the filmmaker Abe Forman-Greenwald. This doc is officially Brother Orange: The Movie, a whole film based on the actual story of what happened when a BuzzFeed writer had his phone stolen. Many may remember this, as writer Matt Stopera covered it all extensively in a series of articles published from 2014 to 2015. His stolen iPhone ended up in China where it was rebought by a guy who was taking photos of himself in front of an orange tree. Matt flew over there to meet him, became friends with him (“Brother Orange” aka Li Hongjun) and the rest is history. But there’s also so much more to it than that. As their 10-year friendship anniversary nears, this extraordinary true story showcases the power of personal connection between two ordinary people-one American and one Chinese-who look beyond political tensions to form a profound bond. This actually looks wonderful – I’m glad they turned this story into a doc to watch. // Continue Reading ›
Official Trailer for ‘Brother Orange’ Documentary About Two Friends