“Okay crew, let’s get to work!” Pixar has revealed their official trailer for Dream Productions, a spin-off series based on the Inside Out concept. The fun new mockumentary series takes place between the events of Inside Out 1 & Inside Out 2 and focuses on a series of stories created by the “dream factory” within Riley’s mind. Acclaimed director Paula Persimmon teams up with an overly confident daydream director to create the next big tween-dream hit for Riley at Dream Productions. 🎬 “Welcome to Dream Productions, where Riley’s dreams really do come true… on time and on budget!” From the world of Inside Out comes Dream Productions, Disney & Pixar’s all-new, four-episode limited series. This will be available for streaming later on in the year. Featuring the voices of Paula Pell, Richard Ayoade, Amy Poehler, Maya Rudolph, Ally Maki, Kensington Tallman, Liza Lapira, Tony Hale, Lewis Black, and Phyllis Smith. It looks like some totally wild & crazy fun, with her dreams getting especially wacky. Should be a quick & easy watch. // Continue Reading ›
Pixar’s Spin-Off Series ‘Dream Productions’ from ‘Inside Out’ Trailer